Tyuleniy Archipelago (Kazakhstan)

The Tyuleniy Archipelago or Tüledi Araldary is an island group in the northeastern Caspian Sea, located west of the Mangyshlak Peninsula and about 13 km NW of the Tupkaragan Peninsula, 27 km north of Bautino.

Administratively the Tyuleniy Archipelago belongs to the Mangystau Province of Kazakhstan.




These islands are semi-desertic and sandy, with only very little grass growth. There are reeds on the leeward side of Kulaly as well as on the remaining islands which are much lower and waterlogged. Many Caspian seals come to the shores of these islands, hence their name "Tyuleniy", which means "seal".

These islands have been declared an IBA and a National Protected Zone (State Reservation). There are large concentrations of seagulls and wetland birds, like coots, wild ducks, swans, egrets and waders, in the archipelago during their nesting period. This archipelago is also an important breeding ground for the Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis).


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